Friday, October 30, 2015

The Plot Thickens: Lost My Day Job

No adventure is complete without its ups and downs.

Yesterday I was informed, after 3 months of working part-time at the café just up the road, that I would be let go effective immediately. I asked why, and the answer I got was essentially that they were changing owners.

I don't know why changing owners means that I absolutely had to be “let go.” I'm sure theres a real reason somewhere. I wasn't the best worker in the place, and I didn't particularly like the work.

Whether the reason was personal or not, it happened. Now I must start all over again. Hit up all the job search engines and put out resumes to anyone and everyone who will hire me, so that I can have enough money by the end of the month to pay rent-


I am very fortunate. I was the one person, if they had to sac anyone, would probably be the least stressed about it. Although my precious ego is a bit bruised, realistically: I have no dependants; no landlord; and the life-saving free food shelf at Auberge Alternative.

That being said, I still need to make some money to pay off my student debt.

So I will need to find that income tout-suite. Thankfully I have been smart with my money lately, and have the luxury to take my time and choose to work for a company that shares my core values. I have to be proud of the work I do or else it's not fair to myself or the employer.

I am proud to work at Auberge Alternative. I knew as soon as I read up about them we would be a good match. This is going to sound like an ad, but it's not! Organic food, free food, and I can attest to only using natural cleaning products. The profit comes in from tourists who appreciate the same things, at a price which is absolutely fair. I have the utmost respect for the owner and the manager, and I adore the other employees who are still there for me after my traveller friends have moved on.

So as long as I continue to do good work here, I won't be homeless!

A great musician told me, “The more angsty your life is, the better your art will be.”

And I see her point. After getting over the initial shock of being fired my next thought was, “This will make a great blog post.”

I think secretly I am loving this uncertainty. I am standing on a surfboard at the peak of a pointy rock, and if I fall to one side its great adventure and everything I hope for, and on the other its homelessness, solitude and despair. Despair!!!!!

But like a bird who is perched on a thin twig I just know:

I'll be alright.

Thanks again for reading. I'll keep you updated on my (second!) job searching adventure as an anglophone Canadian with a moral compass in Montréal.

Make good choices my beloveds.  

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